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Combination Flower Essence

FOR ORDERS:  visit Just skin food and fill out the form with your combo request. 

  • Acne

What Symptoms does it Relieve?
Acne is a natural combination of Bach Flowers that provides relief for those who suffer from both non-inflammatory and inflammatory acne.
In non-inflammatory acne, there are usually just a few whiteheads and blackheads on the face. A relatively mild type of acne, it can often be treated effectively with nonprescription medicines. The majority of people with acne have this type of acne.
With inflammatory acne, the whiteheads become inflamed, and red pimples and pustules develop. In its most severe form, inflammatory acne can cause disfiguring cysts and deep, pitting scars of the face, neck, back, chest and groin. Prescription drugs and sometimes surgery are often recommended to treat inflammatory acne.
If you find yourself suffering from either non-inflammatory or inflammatory acne, then  Acne was made for you. It is formulated to heal the underlying issues that cause acne. 
  • Addictions 

What Symptoms does it Relieve?
Addictions is a natural combination of Bach Flowers that provides relief for those who suffer from addictions and are.
If you find yourself suffering from one or more of these symptoms, then Addictions was made for you. It is formulated to help you become aware of the nature of the addiction and overcome the substance or behavior. A few drops several times a day helps calm, soothe and open you to the nature of the addiction so that you can begin the healing process. 
  • Caught up in thoughts of obsession
  • Always on the move, to stop thinking
  • Sociable in order to forget thoughts
  • Unable to learn from mistakes
  • Constantly repeating the same mistakes
  • Trying to dampen their sensitivity (e.g. through alcohol or drugs)
  • ADHD

What Symptoms does it Relieve?
ADD/ADHD was formulated to help overcome the underlying issues that cause Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit, Hyperactivity Disorder. A few drops several times a day helps create a sense of security and peace of mind, instills decisiveness, supports self-reliance, provides calm, clear thought and rational action, and allows living more actively in the present.   
ADHD Bach Flowers is aimed at helping overcome the physical and mental turmoil associate with ADD/ADHD.  The unique combination of Bach Flower Essences in  ADHD will bring you into balance emotionally making you feel better. You'll become balanced & calm: As one of our customers said, you'll feel "capable of handling everything".

  • Adrenal Support 

What Symptoms does it Relieve?
If you find that you or someone you love is suffering from one or more of these symptoms, then  Adrenal Support is the solution. This combination helps restore energy, bring back joy, and return patience. Users report increased focus, a happier outlook and more energy. You or your loved on could be feeling better too!

Adrenal Support is designed to relieve these symptoms:
  • Dreaminess (inability to concentrate)
  • Absentmindedness
  • Feeling of deep gloom for no apparent reason
  • Irritability for no apparent reason
  • Chronic fatigue and weakness
  • Weight gain or difficulty losing weight
  • Hair loss or coarse, dry hair
  • Dry and rough skin
  • Intolerance to cold
  • Abnormal menstrual cycles
  • Decreased sex drive
  • Inability to remember things
  • Constipation
  • Muscle cramps
  • Allergies 

Allergies is a unique set of Flower Essences specifically selected to help you remove the underlying causes of Allergies; denying your own power, emotional congestion, fear of the calendar or seasons, a belief in persecution, or guilt. By resolving these issues, the outward physical symptoms will disappear.
What Symptoms does it Relieve?
Allergies is a natural combination of Flower Essence that provides relief for those who suffer from Allergies.
If you find yourself suffering from one or more of these emotional symptoms, then Allergies was made for you. It is formulated to help you become aware of the mental and emotional issues that cause allergies and overcome them. A few drops several times a day helps give you the physical, mental and emotional strength to take care of yourself and overcome your allergies. This combination is aimed at helping you to overcome the root cause, the underlying mental and emotional issues that cause allergies.
  • Anger

How does it Work?
Anger provides relief for those who find themselves constantly angry. It is a unique set of Bach Flower Essences specifically selected to help you remove the underlying issues that make you angry. This combination:
The natural Flower Essences in this combination work together to bring your mental, emotional and spiritual being into balance. If any part of your being is out of balance, you will manifest some physical symptom to tell you that something is wrong. This combination works on the deep seated issues that are known to be the cause of Anger.
If you find yourself angry for no apparent reason or that little, seemingly insignificant things set you off,  then  Anger was made for you. A few drops several times a day helps calm, soothe and open you to the nature of the anger so that you can move past it. 
  • Helps you to be more tolerant and see the positive in others despite their imperfections
  • Encourages a more generous nature when you feel jealous, envious, vengeful or suspicious
  • Helps you deal with slow situations or people with good humor rather than impatience or irritability
  • Allows you to accept yourself and your actions as they are rather than feel guilty or blame yourself for the mistakes of others
  • Helps you forgive past injustices and move on when you feel resentful and bitter
  • Busy Moms

    What Symptoms does it Relieve?
Busy Moms is a natural combination of Flower Essences designed for Busy Moms.
Busy Moms is a combination intended to restore your normal strength, energy and vitality when you're overwhelmed, burdened, mentally or physically exhausted or doubt your own abilities. 
  • Are Capable & efficient
  • Act, think & speak quickly
  • Ignore the impulse to rest
  • Are overly dutiful & reliable
  • Are often worn out
  • Are selfless & giving
  • Press their bodies to the limits
  • Have to too much to do, with a long list and not enough time to complete it
  • Use their strong force of will to achieve goals
  • Candida

    What Symptoms does it Relieve?
Candida is a natural combination of Flower Essences that provides relief for those who suffer from Candida. Specifically, the combination.
Candida is formulated to help you become aware of the mental and emotional issues that cause Candida and overcome them. A few drops several times a day helps give you the physical, mental and emotional strength to take care of yourself. The combination is aimed at  helping you to overcome the root cause, the underlying mental and emotional issues that cause Candida.
This combination also contains the homeopathic Candida to help quickly relieve the physical symptoms of Candida.
  • Helps you live more actively in the present rather than in the future or in your own dream world
  • Inspires a positive attitude when you feel discouraged or despondent due to setbacks
  • Encourages a more generous nature when you feel jealous, envious, vengeful or suspicious
  • Helps you deal with slow situations or people with good humor rather than impatience or irritability
  • Depression

What Symptoms does it Relieve?
Depression is a natural combination of Flower Essences that provides relief for people who experience:
Depression was especially formulated to help regain balance, optimism, peace of mind and a positive outlook.
For pregnant or nursing mothers, Depression is wonderful because it will not harm the baby in any way. It helps one become balanced enabling you to better handle life's challenges. You or your loved one could be feeling better too! 
  • Anxiety
  • Changes in Eating Habits
  • Changes in Sleeping Patterns
  • Constant Feelings of Sadness
  • Fights at home or on the job
  • Inability to Concentrate
  • Increasing dependence on Drugs or Alcohol
  • Irritability, or Tension
  • Low Energy and Fatigue
  • Low Sex Drive
  • Memory Difficulties
  • Mood Swings
  • No Longer Enjoying the Pleasures of Life
  • Obsession with work or hobbies
  • Social Withdrawal
  • Unexplained Aches and Pains
  • Fatigue 

What Symptoms does it Relieve?
Fatigue is specifically designed to help fatigue sufferers feel better naturally!  This combination helps you concentrate, restores your energy, and helps you feel more centered. Users report a happier outlook on life, more energy and better sleep. 
Fatigue was formulated to help fatigue sufferers with these symptoms:
  • Impaired memory or concentration
  • Exhaustion following physical or mental exercise
  • UN-refreshing sleep
  • Headaches
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Mood swings
  • Anxiety
  • Panic attacks
  • •Brain fog
  • Fears 

What Symptoms does it Relieve?
If you find that you or a loved one is suffering from one or more of these symptoms, then Fears is the right choice.
It will provide a deep sense of calm and serenity, naturally! This combination is designed to replace fears and apprehensions with a sense of calm and serenity. It helps one find the courage to face fears and work through the underlying issues. Users report feeling less frightened and better able to overcome their fears.
You or your loved one could be feeling better  too! 
Fears is designed to relieve these symptoms:
  • Overactive imagination
  • Fear of losing control
  • Anxiety attacks
  • Nightmares - don’t want to go back to sleep
  • Hypersensitivity of all kinds
  • Feelings of fear bordering on terror
  • Grieving

What Symptoms does it Relieve?
If you find that you, your loved one or your pet is suffering from one or more of these symptoms, then Grieving is the right choice. It is designed to help cope with grief in a useful and productive manner so that the griever can move past grief and get on with life.  Grieving has been shown to help individuals heal from their grief and confront the situation that created that grief. 
Grieving is designed to relieve these symptoms:
  • Anger
  • Blaming others
  • Deep feelings of gloom or sadness
  • Denial
  • Disbelief
  • Numbness
  • Uncontrollable crying
  • Irritability 

What Symptoms does it Relieve?
If you find that you are irritable, then  Irritability was made for you. It is formulated to help you become aware of the underlying issues that are causing your irritability. A few drops several times a day helps open you to calm and soothe you in situations that would normally make you irritable. Irritability is aimed at allowing you to remain calm, centered and balanced.
  • Intolerance of others
  • Inability to let go of loved ones
  • Unwillingness to accept physical imperfection
  • Impatience
  • Resentfulness
  • Bitterness

  • Learning Support

What Symptoms does it Relieve?
If you find yourself suffering from one or more of these symptoms, then Learning Support was made for you. It is especially formulated to help students find their center; increase their concentration and their ability to focus. This combination helps students to learn from new experiences, to express creatively, and to trust themselves and their intuition. You could have these  results too! 
Learning Support is designed to relieve these symptoms:
  • Cannot formulate a clear thought due to mental hyperactivity
  • Feelings of failure or unworthiness
  • Feelings of low self-esteem
  • Inability to Concentrate
  • Inability to channel their talents and abilities
  • Inability to focus
  • Repeating the same mistakes over & over
  • Low Libido

What Symptoms does it Relieve?
Low Libido  combination is intended to increase your sexual desire and satisfaction. These essences will help you feel good about yourself and enjoy sex.
 Low Libido is a natural combination of Flower Essences designed to relieve these signs of Low Libido:
  • Lack of sexual desire
  • Lack of sexual satisfaction
  • Aversion to sex
  • Impotence
  • •Sterility
  • •Sadness regarding intercourse
  • •Low sex drive
  • •Lack of sexual confidence
  • Low Self Esteem 

What Symptoms does it Relieve?
Low Self-Esteem is a formula specifically aimed at providing a boost in self-esteem and self-confidence when it is needed most.  It does not take the place of ability but helps you to know your abilities and feel the confidence and self-esteem to match. You could have these results too! 
Low Self-Esteem is designed to relieve these symptoms:
  • Admiration of others without belief in own ability to accomplish similar achievements
  • Always asking others for their opinion; never trusting self
  • Easily exploited
  • Feelings of being inferior
  • Feelings of depression
  • Feelings of guilt
  • Feelings of unworthiness
  • Frequent hesitation
  • Lacking confidence
  • Passive Nature
  • Undervalue self
  • Menopause 

Menopause is a unique set of Flower Essences is designed to help you to overcome the bodies inability to produce hormones by the ovaries, which are a part of the body's endocrine system of hormone production.
In the case of Menopause, the hormones which make reproduction possible and can influence sexual behavior. The resultant decreased levels of circulating estrogen impacts the entire cascade of a woman's reproductive functioning, from brain to skin.
How does it Work?
The natural Flower Essences in this combination work together to bring your mental, emotional and spiritual being into balance. If any part of your being is out of balance, you will manifest some physical symptom to tell you that something is wrong. This combination works on the deep seated issues that are known to be the cause of Menopause.
What Symptoms does it Relieve?
Menopause  is formulated to help you become aware of the underlying issues that are causing your Menopause. A few drops several times a day helps you to see the positive in life; release others to lead their own lives; restore your normal energy, strength and optimism; deal with slow people or situations with good humor; find courage and calm; enjoy life's pleasures, make or adapt to major changes easily; find peace and calm; and forgive past injustices. Menopause is  aimed at helping you overcome the fear of old age, the self-rejection, irritability and mood swings.
Menopause is often characterized by:
  • Hot Flashes
  • Night Sweats
  • Irregular Periods
  • Loss of Libido
  • Vaginal Dryness
  • Fatigue
  • Hair Loss
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Difficulty Concentrating
  • Memory Lapses
  • Dizziness
  • Weight Gain
  • Incontinence
  • Bloating
  • Allergies
  • Fingernails
  • Changes in Odor
  • Racing Heart Beat
  • Mood Swings
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Panic Disorder
  • Breast Tenderness
  • Migraines
  • Aching Joints
  • Burning Tongue
  • Electric Shocks
  • Digestive Problems
  • Gum Problems
  • Muscle Tensions
  • Itchy Skin
  • Tingling Extremities
  • Sleep

 According to the National Sleep Foundation's annual poll, more than half of Americans report symptoms of insomnia at least one night a week. Billions of dollars are spent annually on the latest prescription sleep aid. Unfortunately, instead of a restful nights sleep, we often wake up drowsy and constantly worry about the myriad side effects that our medicines may cause.

When sleeplessness is triggered by repetitive thoughts, fear, stress, or restlessness, this combination will help calm and quiet your mind and body, enabling you to sleep naturally and wake refreshed.  Sleep is non-narcotic, non-habit forming, and safe for the whole family.
Sleep is a combination of Flower Essences and Homeopathy designed to help you leave those sleepless nights behind forever.  The 1 fluid ounce the bottle is small enough to remain on your nightstand or packed with you when you travel.
Generally, a few drops under the tongue before bed will result in peaceful, restful sleep. For more difficult cases, start taking the combination earlier in the day. Unlike other sleep aids,  Sleep will not make you drowsy or affect your dreams.
  • Stress

Stress is a unique set of Flower Essences specifically designed to help you remain calm, cool and collected in the face of stress.
How does it Work?
The natural Flower Essences in this combination work together to bring your mental, emotional and spiritual being into balance. If any part of your being is out of balance, you will manifest some physical symptom to tell you that something is wrong. This combination works on the deep seated issues that are known to be the cause of Stress.
What Symptoms does it Relieve?
If you or someone you love is suffering from stress, then  Stress was made for you. It is formulated to help you become aware of the underlying issues that are causing your Stress. A few drops several times a day helps calm, soothe and relax in the face of stress.  Stress is aimed at helping you to face the  issues that cause Stress and move past them. 
  • Helps you to be more tolerant.
  • Helps you act rationally and think clearly with a calm and balanced mind.
  • Restores your normal strength and optimism.
  • Helps you deal with slow situations or people with good humor.
  • Restores your energy
  • Allows you to take a break and relax
  • Softens the impact of shock, grief or fright
FOR ORDERS:  visit Just skin food and fill out the form with your combo request. 

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Information on this web site is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional. 


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